Reject Real ID, Avoid QR Codes

October 24, 2024


In a world where digital identification is expected in order to buy and sell, travel and work, get an education, receive medical care and do just about anything else, would you consider your personal information to be private and protected?

In another can’t-miss episode of “Financial Rebellion,” Twila Brase, Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts share the low-down on these modern surveillance technologies, and they refuse to mince any words. Listen to the conversation, today, on CHD.TV


Techno-Hell: TSA Rolls Out 'Voluntary' Face Scans at Over a Dozen American Airports

Citizens' Council for Health Freedom

CCHF Public Comment on REAL ID (Docket NO. TSA 2023-0003 / RIN 1652-AA77) - Citizens' Council For Health Freedom

Stop Using QR Codes

HB 1663 - FN

Exposing IDEMIA | The Push for National Biometric IDs in America

American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators | Minimum Standards doe Driver's Licenses and Identification Cards Acceptable by Federal Agencies for Official Purposes

Leader in Biometrics and Cryptography | IDEMIA

Cancellation of Certificates of Title and 100% eConveyancing

Kabi Kabi People Recognised as Native Title Holders on the Sunshine Coast

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Native Title Law Database

Solari - Subscribe