Rising Autism Rates Economic and Societal Costs

August 8, 2024


What is the true cost of autism? According to data from a study that Toby Rogers, Ph.D. co-authored, the annual estimate could more than double from 2020 to 2030. And within 40 years, the autism epidemic will require $5.54 trillion. Are governments sufficiently equipped for this? Could such a profound societal financial burden be mitigated or avoided altogether? Catch this week’s episode of “Financial Rebellion” to find out! 


Autism Tsunami: The Impact of Rising Prevalence on the Societal Cost of Autism in the United States


Toby Rogers | Substack

Toby Rogers, Author at Brownstone Institute

Health Choice

NJ's Autism Rate Is Still Climbing. In One District, One in 14 Third Graders Is Affected

The Economic Impact of Autism in Britain

Acetaminophen Use in Pregnancy and Neurodevelopment: Attention Function and Autism Spectrum Symptoms

California Autism Prevalence by County and Race/Ethnicity: Declining Trends Among Wealthy Whites

Hero of the Week: May 23, 2022: Kelly Patricia O'Meara

Vaccine Equity | WHO

Partnering for Vaccine Equity | CDC

A Modern Day Witch Trial | Toby Rogers

Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact | Leo Kanner

Dr. Heidi Larson at the WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit Dec 3, 2019

Wake-up Call | James Howard Kunstler | Substack

Pilot Comparative Study on the Health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated 6- To 12- Year Old U.S. Children

VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports

'Autism Tsunami': Societal Cost of Autism in U.S. Could Hit $5.54 Trillion by 2060, Study Predicts

Hero of the Week: August 5, 2024: Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey

Who Will Care for the Growing Population of Adults With Autism?

The Lifetime Social Cost of Autism 1990 to 2029

The Political Economy of Autism | Toby Rogers