Slavery or Freedom – You Decide



Slavery or Freedom - You Decide


Farmers protest climate regulations in Europe, energy bills on the rise and the ongoing threat of regulations on digital banking infrastructure — can a person find financial security in the current economy? Viewers, tune in to ‘Financial Rebellion’ for an inside look at the global monetary power structure and how to break free from the chains of centralized control. This, and more, on CHD.TV!


Financial Transaction Freedom - Solari

FT2 Tour

'How Will People Feed Themselves?' Farmers Across Europe Protest Policies They Say Will Put Them Out Of Business

Winning! EU Drops Net Zero Demands After Farmers' Protests - The Daily Sceptic

Exxon, Chevron Paid Combined $59 Billion To Shareholders As Consumers Struggle To Pay Soaring Utility Bills

Dr. Denise Sibley